
Registrační číslo:
Datum registrace:
Chovatel:Jonathan Peck
Země:Spojené státy americké
Evidováno:celkem 27 jedinců
Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst
Tumbledown's W SHEPHERD'S JACK Pes PDS
Tumbledown's DUNA Fena PDS
Tumbledown's ROMY OF EXLOO Fena 13/02/1984
Tumbledown's RENEE REGALWISE Fena 17/02/1984
Tumbledown's KIMA DANJI Fena 21/04/1988
Tumbledown's KIMA MAKATA Fena 21/04/1988
Tumbledown's MORNING MIST Fena 08/05/1988
Tumbledown's BO Pes 18/11/1989
Tumbledown's ASTRO OF GLOVER Pes 07/06/1990 PDS
ASLAN SPIRIT of Tumbledown Pes 17/06/1990 PDS
PHOENIX of Tumbledown Fena 17/06/1990 PDS
Tumbledown's MISTY'S MARIAH Fena 11/04/1991
Tumbledown's ARGENT WARRIOR Pes 27/07/1992 PDS
Tumbledown's MY GIRL VADA Fena 27/07/1992
Tumbledown's RECIDIVIST Pes 07/08/1994 PDS
Tumbledown's TYRIAN PURPLE Fena 07/08/1994 PDS
Tumbledown's GETTYSBURG Fena 05/12/1994
Tumbledown's TEJANO TANGO Fena 05/12/1994
Tumbledown's VICKSBURG Fena 03/03/1995
Tumbledown's LADY FRANCESCA Fena 04/03/1996 PDS
Tumbledown's SUPER SONIC Pes 06/03/1996 PDS
ROYAL SIERRA of Tumbledown Fena 06/03/1996 PDS
Tumbledown's LADY LACY Fena 05/12/1996
Tumbledown's TITANIA Fena 06/05/1997 PDS
Tumbledown's TOREADOR Pes 06/10/1997 DS
Tumbledown's MACHO Pes 21/12/1997 PDS
Tumbledown's LIMELIGHT Pes 02/09/1999 DS