Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
BEN od Černého datla Pes 03/07/2002 N Reg/ACO/1129/02 PDS CZ CZ
GOLDEN STAR of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20164 NL
GANDALF MAX of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20165 NL
GAME BOY of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20167 NL
GRANT SNOWY of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20168 NL
GENIUS EROS of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20166 NL
GREAT WISH of the White Wolves Home Fena 04/07/2002 VR 20169 NL
GIPSY LARA of the White Wolves Home Fena 04/07/2002 VR 20170 NL
TSAR de la Cour Pes 12/07/2002 LOF 000142/00031 DS FR
ZORA von Bella Luna Fena 22/07/2002 DS
ASHLEY-ALISSA vom Bruckner-Landl Fena 27/07/2002 ÖHZB WS 476/Reg. DS AT AT
ALASKA of White Grace Fena 30/07/2002 ÖHZB WS 251/REG DS AT
Winterpalace NINJO Pes 06/08/2002 NHSB VR 20253 PDS NL NL
TEX de la Combe Noire Pes 19/08/2002 00307 00062 DS FR FR
TANKA du Domaine de la combe noire Fena 19/08/2002 DS
More than word's FLASH FIRE Pes 04/09/2002 DS NL
More than word's FAIRLY FIONN FLEUR Fena 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441003 NL
More than word's FURUQ SHARAI Fena 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441002 NL
More than word's FALA WYNONE Fena 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441001 NL
More than word's FRIDO DINO Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441000 NL
More than word's FAIDO FLINT Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2440999 NL
More than word's FOREST MOUNTY Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2440997 NL
More than word's FALOU BALOU Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2440996 NL
LADY vom märkischen Oderland Fena 21/09/2002 IRV 348905 DS DE DE
ASTA z Černýho zámku Fena 25/09/2002 N Reg/ACO/1144/02 DS CZ CZ

536 stránek13,394 záznamů