Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
Raebark Bernsteinrauch Vom Sahiela Pes 19/05/1991 AKC DL37643602 SILVER/BLACK PDS US US
J-Glen's Amberac Fena 28/05/1984 AKC D297095 Silver PDS US US
Goldfield's Windigo Fena 13/12/1998 AKC DL77244909 (White) PDS US
Tumbledown's TITANIA Fena 06/05/1997 AKC DL68819705 12-99 White PDS US
Tumbledown's GETTYSBURG Fena 05/12/1994 AKC DL57426601 (White) US
PHOENIX of Tumbledown Fena 17/06/1990 AKC DA004348 08-92 White PDS US
Royal Daisy of Klotz Kountry Fena 17/10/1993 AKC DL50221403 White PDS US
Staffords PET SPIKE Pes 03/03/1996 AKC DL63047702 White PDS US
Royal Stafford Pet Arkle Fena 29/01/1995 AKC DL56676804 PDS US
LOBO KING of the Rockies Pes 01/01/1992 AKC DL420838/04 6-94 White US
GRETA von Christon Schultz Fena 15/06/1992 AKC DL43805807 White US
Royal King of the Rockies Pes 16/07/1989 AKC D960568 White US
Blancas Royal Joy Kelly Fena 20/09/1989 AKC D960569 White US
Moonlight Snowy Prince JR Pes 22/10/1989 AKC DL30071103 White US
Palomina von Christon Fena 25/09/1990 AKC DL34637004 White US
Maximilian Baron of Geo-Mil Pes AKC D326648 US
Brookville WHITE TYSON Pes 06/05/1993 AKC DL47712305 White DS US
Leonberg's Murphy Pes AKC 653704/07 US
Lyons TREASURE TREY Pes 20/01/2005 AKC DN09604105 PDS US
Winterpalace's Ginge Fena 02/04/1989 AKC WG770510 (White) US
Morning Mist XI Fena 26/03/1981 AKC D185599 (White) US
Hoofprint EZ WHITE OP DEN DYCK Pes 27/02/1991 AKC DL45340201 White PDS US
Miss White Feather Von Babb Fena 29/07/1990 AKC DL34560002 US
Rhebs Misty Shane Fena AKC D625691 US
Babb's Riverbend Randy Pes 29/04/1986 AKC D463560 White US

537 stránek13,416 záznamů