Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
BRIANA la Blankpapilio Fena 01/01/2005 CMKU/ACO/1494/05 DS AT CZ
ATAX-BOSS vom Sutumer-Grund Pes 02/01/2005 SE 47398/2010 DS DE DE
ALIENA WHITE PRINCESS vom Sutumer-Grund Fena 02/01/2005 VDH/RWSREG 05/0010 DS DE DE
BEAUTY de Blindete Fena 03/01/2005 COR 10-05/b. BBS DS
FIARA of white Finess Fena 05/01/2005 DS AT AT
LA-VIZA FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541411 PDS
ACHIEVER of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 EST 02814/E05 PDS EE
HOLY CHIEF of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL G-0-2541400 PDS NL
SITA FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541410 PDS NL
NOA FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541409 PDS NL
SNÖGE FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541408 PDS NL
FLIPPER FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541403 PDS NL
YLZAN FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541402 PDS NL
MIO FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541401 PDS NL
BIKKEL FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541404 PDS NL
XANDOR FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541405 PDS NL
HUMMER FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541406 PDS NL
ATYLLA WARRIOR Biała Pasja Pes 17/01/2005 ZKWP KW I - 134 DS PL PL
Lyons TREASURE TREY Pes 20/01/2005 AKC DN09604105 PDS US
Varvara iz sosnovogo bora Fena 20/01/2005 DS
CRUNCH vom Stainzer Schilcherland Pes 21/01/2005 DK 11693/2005 DS DK AT
Selerija AHSEL SANDIDA Fena 25/01/2005 DS LV RU
BACARDI of White Grace Fena 25/01/2005 DS
Malyshka AIRIN ALEKS Pes 29/01/2005 PDS RU RU

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