Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
QUERIDA NAEMY vom Wolfsgehege Fena A 00713 AM.CA DE
FASKA NOVA from the white Scorpions Fena 03/05/2000 VR 18856 PDS
More than word's FURUQ SHARAI Fena 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441002 NL
More than word's FALA WYNONE Fena 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441001 NL
More than word's FRIDO DINO Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2441000 NL
More than word's FAIDO FLINT Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2440999 NL
More than word's FOREST MOUNTY Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2440997 NL
More than word's FALOU BALOU Pes 04/09/2002 NHSB VR 2440996 NL
BEAUTY QUEEN of the Heart of Lothian Fena 30/06/2007 BIJL. G-1-2663335 DS NL
BEACHFLOWER of the Heart of Lothian Fena 30/06/2007 BIJL. G-1 2663334 NL
BRAVEHEART of the Heart of Lothian Pes 30/06/2007 BIJL. G-1 2663333 NL
BESTSELLER of the Heart of Lothian Pes 30/06/2007 BIJL. G-1 2663332 NL
BIG DREAM of the Heart of Lothian Pes 30/06/2007 BIJL. G-1 2663331 NL
BRIGHT SHINE of the Heart of Lothian Pes 30/06/2007 BIJL. G-1 2663330 NL
BELLILS ISJA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 10/05/2003 BIJL. G-0 2455105 PDS NL
KANDOR ISJA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 10/05/2003 BIJL. G-0 2455100 PDS NL
PAY-GO ISJA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 10/05/2003 BIJL. G-0 2455104 PDS NL
DJOEK ISJA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 10/05/2003 BIJL. G-0 2455103 PDS NL
YARCO ISJA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 10/05/2003 BIJL. G-0 2455101 PDS NL
SITA FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541410 PDS NL
NOA FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541409 PDS NL
SNÖGE FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541408 PDS NL
FLIPPER FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541403 PDS NL
YLZAN FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541402 PDS NL
MIO FRIA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 08/01/2005 BIJL. G-0 2541401 PDS NL

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