Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
Viking Legacy's DRAGONSOUL Pes 26/11/2023 PDS AT
Viking Legacy's ARTEMIS LUNA Fena 11/06/2021 DS AT
Viking Legacy's ALEGRA Fena 11/06/2021 DS AT
Viking Legacy's AISLYNN ILVY Fena 11/06/2021 DS AT
Viking Legacy's ASCO Pes 11/06/2021 DS AT
Viking Legacy's ARAGORN Pes 11/06/2021 DS AT
Viking Legacy's ANUBIS Pes 11/06/2021 DS AT
Viking Legacy's AMAROK Pes 11/06/2021 DS AT
AMOR Mountain of white wolves Pes 29/08/2019 DS HR
ARTEMIDA Mountain of white wolves Fena 29/08/2019 DS HR
ATHENA Mountain of white wolves Fena 29/08/2019 DS HR
Moonscape's WHITE ENERGY Fena 30/04/2010 ER 32529/10 FI
Moonscape's COOL DUDE Pes 02/01/2014 FI 14112/14 FI
ZEN KAIZEN od Bijelih Anđela Pes 09/12/2018 DS HR
MAPLE GREWO of the Heart of Lothian Fena 11/05/1999 VR 16714 NL
RAIJA GREWO of the Heart of Lothian Fena 11/05/1999 VR 16713 NL
GIZMO GREWO of the Heart of Lothian Pes 11/05/1999 VR 16712 NL
GROVER GREWO of the Heart of Lothian Pes 11/05/1999 VR 16711 NL
GILLEAN of the Heart of Lothian Pes 24/11/1997 VR 14632 DS NL
UTAH WODCA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 24/11/1997 VR 14633 DS NL
BOBBIE WODCA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 24/11/1997 VR 14631 DS NL
FIONA WODCA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 24/11/1997 VR 14630 DS NL
GABY WODCA of the Heart of Lothian Fena 24/11/1997 VR 14629 DS NL
BLOSSOM of the Heart of Lothian Fena 24/11/1997 VR 14628 DS NL
MARVIN WODCA of the Heart of Lothian Pes 24/11/1997 VR 14627 DS NL

588 stránek14,684 záznamů