Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
BRISKA GILL vom Schmollerhof Fena 01/07/1990 DS AT
COSTA-RICA of White Condor Fena AT AT
ELFY von der Birkenheide Fena 15/05/1992 AT
AMY-CHRISHAN of White Condor Pes 22/01/1990 WSÖ 0001 PDS AT AT
NICKY of white Mountain Austria Pes 02/01/1996 LOB 131096 DS AT AT
ESPRIT EMILY of White Condor Fena 01/08/2006 ÖHZB- WS 809/R DS AT AT
INDRA of White Condor Fena 12/04/2008 OHZB-BBS941/R DS IT AT
GRINGO of White Finess Pes 04/01/2007 PDS AT AT
ASTERIX of Lovely Whitestar Pes 18/06/2008 PDS AT AT
UNIQUE SHAKIRA of White Condor Fena 13/06/2002 ÖHZB 446/ REG DS DE AT
HANSOLO von Tirol Pes 29/04/2010 COR 11-13/347 PDS AT AT
QUEBEC INDIGO of White Condor Pes 07/01/2012 ÖHZB 1241/R PDS AT AT
Snowpatrols DYSON Pes 16/01/2011 ÖHZB-BBS 1170/R PDS AT AT
BERO BIANCO vom Bründlweg Pes 29/03/2012 ÖHZB BBS 1275/R DS AT AT
MELORY of White Condor Fena 02/01/1997 ÖHZB/WS 62/Reg DS AT AT
AKITA von Schönhofen Pes 09/07/1994 ÖHZB WS 145/Reg AT AT
ESTEE LAUDER of White Condor Fena 20/11/1992 ACÖ 0091 AT AT
FAME-BORINA Of White Condor Fena 03/05/1993 ÖHZB-WS 18/Reg. DS AT AT
FIRST LADY CAYA vom Stainzer Schilcherland Fena 02/05/2007 ÖHZB BBS 842/R DS AT AT
CAPRICE of white Heroes Fena 19/03/2002 ÖHZB WS 397/Reg. DS AT AT
ESPRIE of White Finess Fena 19/08/2000 ÖHZB WS 308/Reg DS AT AT
ARYN of White Finess Fena 18/03/1996 ÖHZB WS 49/Reg AT AT
ALVO GIRO of Quietangel Pes 17/04/2002 WS 410/Reg DS AT AT
FLASH YUKON of White Sunshine Pes 08/06/2003 SPK PRG125/04 PDS SK AT
X-DREAM AMAROQ of White Mountain Austria Pes 12/03/2001 ÖHZB WS 333/Reg DS AT AT

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