Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
GRANT SNOWY of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20168 NL
GENIUS EROS of the White Wolves Home Pes 04/07/2002 VR 20166 NL
GREAT WISH of the White Wolves Home Fena 04/07/2002 VR 20169 NL
GIPSY LARA of the White Wolves Home Fena 04/07/2002 VR 20170 NL
BIXENTA from Wihehokewa Fena
KELLY Fliegeland Fena SLR AKO 000479 HR
KASMIR LUNA of the White Wolves Home Fena 28/04/2005 BIJL G-0 2557331 NL
KUSA NALA of the White Wolves Home Fena 28/04/2005 BIJL G-0 2557330 NL
KITA GIRLY of the White Wolves Home Fena 28/04/2005 BIJL G-0 2557329 NL
KING SHADOW of the White Wolves Home Pes 28/04/2005 BIJL G-0 2557327 NL
FAY GODIN of the White Wolves Home Fena 23/01/2003 NL
NUMA JUNE the Lovely White Shepherd Fena NL
KRYSTAL BLUE ICE of Kimberly's Pride Fena 02/02/2005 NL
MALDWIN CONNOR of Kimberly's Pride Pes 26/07/2007 NL
PROMISE The Lovely White Shepherd Fena NHSB BYLG-0-2471224 NL
UXMAL The Lovely White Shepherd Fena 02/05/2008 NL
CAYA LICA van de Witte Klaver Fena 09/11/2015 VR 3024408 NL
Elorah SAPPHIRE LAD Pes 31/08/2017 BIJL G-0 3142713 NL AU
CHIRON the Lovely White Sheperd Pes NL
BARON JACK of Kimberly's Pride Pes 28/08/1993 VR 00358 NL
BOY JIP of Kimberly's Pride Pes 28/08/1993 VR 00359 NL
BRANDO of Kimberly's Pride Pes 28/08/1993 VR 00361 NL
BREKKET of Kimberly's Pride Pes 28/08/1993 VR 00362 NL
BARONES REBECCA of Kimberly's Pride Fena 28/08/1993 VR 00363 NL
BARONES ROVER of Kimberly's Pride Fena 28/08/1993 VR 00364 NL

534 stránek13,338 záznamů