Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
shorebet marcus at aldermaston Pes
Aldermaston Flufkin Fena
Ragangill Canape Fena
DORKA von Flinstone Fena
Dauricio's SPAIKE Pes
Dauricio's BABALU Fena
Cora von Robbe Fena
Xena Du Gardien Des Fagnes Fena
Kascha of The White Valley Fena
Lady of the white Valley Fena
Malford Christian from Princewood Pes KCR S2507402S02 DS
Onyx Princess of the First Choice Fena
Caesar Remus Imperator of White Mountain Pes
Ghostwood Khan Pes
Bricketwood September Morn Fena
Bailotts Midnight Ginna Fena
Amiscus White snow Falcon Pes 17/07/1995 KCR v4495801v04
Denillanne Foxboro Snow at Soothsayer Fena
Loboas Black Meteor Pes
Princewood Ace of Spades Fena
Billalayn Strikes Again Pes KC W2814607V03 Wh
Wonderbred LISA MARIE Fena
Berdlers Matell Pes
Pasco's Maja Fena 93783
Wonderbred VICKY LEE Fena

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