Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
AKITA von Schönhofen Pes 09/07/1994 ÖHZB WS 145/Reg AT AT
ADELA von Corea Fena 13/07/1994 N Reg/ACO/167/-96/94/97 PDS CZ SK
ASTA von Corea Fena 13/07/1994 PDS CZ SK
FARO of Jackie's White Flake Farm Pes 31/07/1994 IRV 325655 FR CH
LADY-LAIKA of the First Choice Fena 05/08/1994 VR 00755 NL
ASTHOR of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00753 NL
KJELT of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00752 NL
BORIS of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00751 NL
ROCKY of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00750 NL
REBEL of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00749 NL
BODY of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00748 NL
RADJA of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00747 NL
BANDIT of the First Choice Pes 05/08/1994 VR 00746 NL
NICKY of the First Choice Fena 05/08/1994 VR 00754 DS NL
WITCHITA of the First Choice Fena 05/08/1994 VR00756 DS
Tumbledown's RECIDIVIST Pes 07/08/1994 AKC DL546748/01 02-96 White PDS US US
Tumbledown's TYRIAN PURPLE Fena 07/08/1994 AKC DL546748/02 (White) PDS US
BEN vom Weißen Falken Pes 11/08/1994 WRV 17025 DE
IGOR WHITE Kann Schimmelpfeng Pes 21/08/1994 CBKC/RS/RJF/94/00858 DS BR
Anastasia vom Royal Tahami Fena 28/08/1994 GVWAC 94/00255
NORA Restinga CS Fena 30/08/1994 CMKU Reg./60/94 PDS CZ CZ
NIOBE Restinga CS Fena 30/08/1994 CMKU Reg./59/94 PDS CZ CZ
NIKÉ Restinga CS Fena 30/08/1994 CMKU Reg./57/94 PDS CZ CZ
NETIS Restinga CS Fena 30/08/1994 CMKU Reg./56/94/97 PDS CZ CZ
NANCY Restinga CS Fena 30/08/1994 CMKU Reg./55/94/98 PDS CZ CZ

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