Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
Moonscape's XTRA KALIBER Pes 03/07/2011 ER 42029/11 FI
Moonscape's XTREME ELMER Pes 03/07/2011 ER 42030/11 FI
Moonscape's XTREMELY LOVELY Fena 03/07/2011 ER 42033/11 PDS FI FI
Moonscape's YASMIN FLOWER Fena 02/07/2012 ER 41470/12 DS FI
Moonscape's YAUPON HOLLY Fena 02/07/2012 ER 41471/12 DS FI FI
Moonscape's YOU ARE MY HAPPINESS Pes 02/07/2012 ER 41467/12 DS FI
Moonscape's YOU ARE MY JOY Pes 02/07/2012 ER 41469/12 DS FI
Moonscape's YUMMY YOLANDA Fena 02/07/2012 ER 41472/12 DS FI
Moonscape's ZANY ZEPHYR Fena 27/07/2012 FI 46887/12 DS FI
Moonscape's ZEALOUS ZORA Fena 27/07/2012 FI 46885/12 DS FI
Moonscape's ZEPYRANTH FLOWER Fena 27/07/2012 FI 46890/12 DS FI
Moonscape's ZINNIA ACEROSA Fena 27/07/2012 FI 46886/12 DS FI
Moonscape's ZODIACAL LIGHT Pes 27/07/2012 FI 46888/12 DS FI FI
Moonscape's ZONE FIRE Pes 27/07/2012 FI 46889/12 DS FI
Moonshadow's Charisma of TDWC Fena 14/01/1992 AKC DL41167506 11-93 PDS US US
Moonshadow's Royal Starburst Fena 15/11/1995 AKC DL56310203 PDS CA US
Moonshine of Polar Pleasures Pes
MORE FLASHING JEWEL de la Tour de Babel Pes 11/09/2016 DS NL FR
MORE THAN AN ANGEL for the Joy of Life Fena 01/03/2015 BIJL. G-1 2996359 DS NL
More than word's ALWAYS JOY Fena 14/12/1997 DS NL
More than word's APRIL SPRING Fena 14/12/1997 D98 0899 DS
More than word's CAPTAIN SNOWY Pes 04/07/2000 VR 19318 DS
More than word's CURIOUS INDY Fena 04/07/2000 VR 19323 DS
More than word's DANCING DASHA Fena 17/05/2005 VR 19630 DS NL NL
More than word's EXCELLENT EASY LADY Fena NL

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