Seznam psů

Jméno Pohlaví Narození Číslo zápisu Srst Země pobytu Země původu
CARAS of Lonely Mountain Pes 23/08/2022 CMKU/ACO/6456/22 PDS CZ CZ
CALIMA of Lonely Mountain Fena 23/08/2022 CMKU/ACO/6457/22/24 PDS CZ CZ
CAMBË of Lonely Mountain Fena 23/08/2022 CMKU/ACO/6458/22 PDS SE CZ
CARNË of Lonely Mountain Fena 23/08/2022 CMKU/ACO/6459/22 PDS CZ CZ
CASARI of Lonely Mountain Fena 23/08/2022 CMKU/ACO/6460/22 PDS CZ CZ
ANAKIN from The Bird Valley Pes 02/07/2022 CMKU/ACO/6422/22 PDS CZ
APOLLO from The Bird Valley Pes 02/07/2022 CMKU/ACO/6423/22 PDS CZ
ARKA from The Bird Valley Fena 02/07/2022 CMKU/ACO/6423/22 PDS CZ
AMY from The Bird Valley Fena 02/07/2022 CMKU/ACO/6425/22 PDS CZ
OCTAVIA Like Snow Fena 14/10/2021 CMKU/ACO/6371/-22/21/24 PDS CZ UA
BeDaBlanco GREAT GNOCCHI Fena 07/09/2016 DK 16144/2016 PDS DK DK
INKY van Suthwalda Fena 22/10/2016 BIJL G-2 3060838 PDS NL NL
NOAH AKBO-Parchovany Pes 02/03/2015 ER39189/15 PDS FI SK
Pappelpark DARKHAN Pes 20/06/2017 RKF 5038103 PDS CZ RU
PARTY TIME Atagora Pes 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6488/22 PDS CZ
PERSEUS Atagora Pes 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6489/22/24 PDS CZ CZ
PITRÝSEK Atagora Pes 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6490/22 PDS CZ CZ
PORTOS Atagora Pes 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6491/22 PDS CZ
PUZZLIK Atagora Pes 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6492/22/24 PDS CZ CZ
PEPPER Atagora Fena 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6493/22 PDS CZ
POM-POM Atagora Fena 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6494/22 PDS CZ
PRUDENCE Atagora Fena 04/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6495/22 PDS CZ
CAR White Ann Pes 07/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6499/22 PDS AT CZ
COCAIN White Ann Pes 07/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6500/22 PDS CZ
CALIPSO White Ann Fena 07/09/2022 CMKU/ACO/6501/22 PDS CZ CZ

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